Monday, 14 January 2019

we're having a heatwave

which is not surprising as it's january in adelaide.  middle of summer.  i'm not a fan.  i went back to exercise this morning and i must say i didn't really enjoy it.  i had to force myself.  i have nothing newsworthy to report which is probably a good thing.  my friend whom i went to bali with is on her way to japan with her family today.  she's away for two weeks and it's freezing there.  my neighbour is going to new york soon where it's 8 below.  talk about a change :)

Monday, 7 January 2019


i am really scared of rats, mice, sharks and snakes.  not much chance of seeing a shark around here thank goodness and i haven't seen a snake either so that's really good.  i think i'd die if i did.  rats on the other hand do invade my space.  i was sitting on the couch once, just minding my own business, when a large rat ran along the fence.  i nearly died.  omg.  anyhoo, i was getting over the shock and horror of that when a few hours later it ran back in the other direction.  yuck.  yesterday i put some bread crusts on the lawn for the birds.  when i went to bed i looked out of the front door and i saw a small rat eating the crusts.  it saw me and ran off and set off the lights.  omg.  the crust is completely gone this morning.  i must have been a bit rattled because i came down this morning and the tv was still on.  oh dear.  they are plentiful in bali and i usually spot one or two.  years ago they were everywhere and one year i didn't see one.