Tuesday, 23 October 2007

nothing in particular

i'm watching the gilmore girls dvd again. it's great. i think it's ahead of the tv. i have a bad feeling about Lorelei and Luke's wedding. i hope it works out. i'm taking Kim to the hospital tomorrow. she's quite nervous naturally, i hate having anything done in hospital. it's not major surgery so everything should be ok. i'm hoping to see the g/children on saturday. i didn't see them last w/end so am looking forward to that. i saw a chinese movie when i was home the other day. i had to have a root canal. i had a abscess. yuk, very painful. anyway, this chinese movie was on tv and i missed most of it. i d/loaded it and guess what? no subtitles. drrrrr. my chinese isn't that great. i guess i'll see if i can hire it from a dvd shop. i'm thinking of buying a bicycle. don't laugh. i think it would be great to go to the shops and library etc. the woman next door just bought a scooter. when my husband was alive we both had a scooter, he used to take our daughter on his. it is the best fun on a scooter. the only thing wrong with it is the traffic doesn't take too much notice of you. this is the only drawback. that and in summer it's a bit hot and it's not quite as much fun in the rain. i used to have one when i was a teenager (a hundred years ago). :( maybe i should get a scooter. i'll think about that a bit longer. no hurry.

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