Sunday, 23 January 2011

i've been throttled

i may have told you already. tpg, my isp, has throttled my speed simply because i've used all of my peak 20 gig allowance. i have heaps on my off peak to use but i'm rarely up after one am except on weekends. oh well. it's supposed to return to normal tomorrow. i hope they don't stuff up and i have problems. it's all because i've been watching sewing tutorials on youtube. i love youtube. if you want to do anything at all there's bound to be an instructional video on youtube. i've found them very useful. i've also purchased a new modem from ebay, so am waiting patiently for that to arrive in the hope that it will cure my noisy phone line when i'm on the net. ahhh technology. lovely when it works. i also wait, not so patiently, for my new mouse. must go, got to get ready for work.
i'm looking for a new tattoo design. i like this one.

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