Monday, 25 April 2011

it's internet explorer 9

it seems that ie9 is causing problems with content on a web page.  or more than likely it's javascript or something similar.  i'm investigating.  stay tuned.  :)  pic is a close up of my grand daughter.  she took it herself.  :)


  1. Computer problems are soooo frustrating.

  2. i know Diane. and i can't fix it. at least blogger. the online banking site is ok in compatability view but it doesn't like blogger. oh well. hope you are enjoying your easter weekend. the pics of the botanical gardens were lovely. very nice. makes ours look a bit ordinary really :)

  3. Doesn't it suck when we have computer and internet problems but what would we do without them...........I do remember the days pre internet and much prefer it the way it is now...........

  4. yes Jo-Anne, pre internet days are just a memory now. technology is wonderful ... when it works. ;)

  5. When I was prompted to install IE9, I said no thanks, not until my computer man looks over everything. It's too much stress and hassle when things go haywire.

    Good luck with everything!

  6. hi Cindy, probably a very wise move. as you say it's not worth the hassle.


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