Saturday, 15 October 2011

it's saturday

yay.  i'm going to have lunch and do some shopping with the kids.  i'm looking forward to that.  i've been cleaning out my kitchen cupboards (finally) and you should see what i've chucked out / recycled.   lots.  i've got more space.  :)  dil's vw is fixed so they are both on the road atm. it's not the best weather here but rain is lovely.  the garden likes it.  time to get ready i suppose.  enjoy your weekend wherever you are.  i'm going to take a few moments to say thank you to the universe and be grateful for what i've got. seriously
i love the back porch.  so homey

somewhere in california (i think)

i so want one of these.  it would fit the shopping and a passenger or two 

i'd like one of these too.  nice scooter
someone left their bug out in the rain  
love bug


  1. Hope you had a nice lunch.
    Love the photos you sure do have a good sense of humour...:)

  2. It's amazing what you find at the back of kitchen cupboards - lots of ancient fossils in mine for sure!

    Hope you had a lovely time shopping.

  3. hi Margaret, yes, great photos aren't they? i've got a bit of a bug (scuse the pun) about vdubs since my son and dil have them. i notice them everywhere. hope you are well
    Hi Cindy, i finally got some of the clutter cleared. it's great but still a bit to do. i guess it's an ongoing thing. :)


thanks for visiting. :)