Tuesday, 17 January 2012

lasagne - fail

oh dear.  the lasagne turned out worse that i thought it would.  it looked dreadful and didn't smell so good either.  i put it in the slow cooker all night. the recipe was on youtube and theirs worked out nicely.   i thought i'd have some for lunch but i couldn't eat it. i make wonderful vegie lasagne but can't make the  meat variety.  go figure.  look at the pic at your peril.  it looks disgusting.  :(   better luck next time hey?

lasagne - fail  

i have been procrastinating more than usual lately.  i  didn't do much today as it was 39 degrees in the shade, so i stayed inside all day and vegetated.  i must get my stuff together and do something useful.  i hung a blind today.  that was a start.


  1. Oh dear,
    Sorry the cooking wasn't a success. Guess if we don't try we don't find out.

  2. That looks like whatever I cook. In 39 degree heat you are not expected to do much.

  3. thanks ladies. i put a pic on fb but took it off coz it looks disgusting. have a great day :)

  4. ekkk!! Still good on for trying the crock-pot/slow cooker lasagna.. ;-)
    I'll send nonna over there to help you next time..

  5. thanks Matthew. i don't think Nonna will be able to help me. i'm a lost cause where lasagne is concerned. i'd better stick to the veggie kind. :( thanks for your kind offer though :)

  6. Matthew, whatever you do don't show Nonna the pic. she won't believe that lasagne can look that bad. :)

  7. that photo reminds me of the time I was in highschool and tried to cook dahl for the first time... my mum told me to take it out behind the shed and bury it. Then she told me I owed her a new pot!


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