Wednesday, 14 March 2012

you have to laugh don't you?

there's a philosophy going around that says laughter is the best medicine.  they have groups in the park and just laugh.  don't laugh, it's true.  here's a pic that made me laugh this morning.

they found unusual cells near the kidney tube in the bladder.  not good. biopsied them and burnt off the one already there.  no chemo this time.  i will wait and see what the report says.  at least my gp speaks in terms that i can understand and takes the time to go through it with me.  the registrar at the hospital told me i may lose a kidney down the track.  i tried to take this info in and wondered if i'd cope with working and the discomfort.  taking time off work.  retiring.  all this stuff going through my head and then ....  and then .... (sounds like a song from long ago)  he came back and said he'd misread the notes from the surgeon and it was not in fact in my kidney but near the kidney tube (i'm sure that's the correct medical term).  relief?  sort of.  still in dark though.  i'm going to buy some honey and cinnamon today.  apparently it's the latest cure all.  allegies, dandruft and cancer.  hahahahaha.  my son is here (bless his little cotton socks). we are going to breakfast and the health food shop.  :)  enjoy your day wherever you are  


  1. Having a GP that talks to you in a language you can understand so many doctors talk in doctor talk and us non medicial people really have trouble understanding what they are getting at, I hope your biopsy comes back with good results. I would be annoyed if a doctor came back to me and said I got it wrong but I guess these things happen...........

    1. too true Jo-Anne. like a hairdresser good ones are hard to find :)

  2. One quick trip to your blog and I'm in awe of your heart and humor. Bless his cotton socks ...
    Be healthy, be happy. -Kelly

    1. thank you, i read your blog too. it's great. i'll return. :)

  3. Fran, I am so sorry to hear of your health worries. It's the not knowing that is so upsetting at times.

    Healing thoughts being sent your way, and my unicorn laughed at your quote!

  4. Most unicorn accidents happen within five miles of home. Be sure your unicorn has airbags. I hope your medical problems get resolved soon and you can put all of this behind you.

    1. too true Stephen. i love your reply about fat puss bringing you second hand presents. lol

  5. I almost fell of my unicorn in shock, when i read " he came back and said he'd misread the notes".. I guess at least he came back with possibly better news :-)
    thinking of you and sending reiki!

    1. hi matthew. be careful on your unicorn. most unicorn accidents happen within 5 miles from home. read comment from stephen hayes above. i didn't make that up. :) are you a reiki practitioner too? me too. small world. hope you are well xxx

  6. Sorry to hear you have a medical problem. The Dr is a bit of a worry misreading the results. Hope you will soon be back on your unicorn and riding in good health.

  7. I hope all turns out ok for you...keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
    Wonderful that your Dr. took the time to explain in so you could understand, don't find that often these days....and even Dr.'s make mistakes but at least it was fixed promptly.
    Take care of yourself xoxox

    1. hi M, thanks for your comment. my gp is quite good and always explains things. hope you are well. xxx


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