Sunday, 5 August 2012

technology bit me on the bum

and it's my own fault.  i bought the g/kids a new mobile phone each recently.  smarty pants phones.  you can download apps quickly and easily.  i do it from my computer and had my visa details and password saved ready to go.  anytime.  even when nana isn't looking. oops.  g/son downloaded quite a few apps last night when they visited.  i wasn't paying attention. then i started getting the emails.  thank you for your order.  i have changed my password and deleted my visa card details from google play.  really silly of me.  hopefully it won't happen again. ants is going to camp in the flinder's ranges on monday for a few days.  he's excited.  my sister came down yesterday for a fleeting visit.  she drove me to the hospital in the afternoon and went home last night.  quite a busy day all up.


  1. I'm not sure all this technology is making our lives better.

  2. Oooops that was a boo boo. I must remember to be careful when my g/kids get old enough to do that.


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