Tuesday, 22 January 2013

ooohh ebay day for me

three parcels arrived this morning.  how exciting.  a cherry/olive pitter (hope it works), one of those metal wallets (i read the reviews after i ordered it, they weren't good) and an xbox 360 game for my grandson.  i spoil them.  :)


  1. It's so much fun receiving packages in the mail, even when it's stuff you ordered yourself.

  2. The anticipation of purchases coming. Great bargains sometimes. I hope your wallet is ok.
    I bought before Christmas and after Christmas - 3 Estee Lauder lipsticks, then 3 Clinique lipsticks...each set of 3 were $20.00 including postage. I don't buy often from eBay, but it's fun.

    1. especially when you get a bargain like that M. well done. :)

  3. Always fun to receive parcels even if they are from yourself.

    1. yes, i always look forward to ebay days. i got a lot of my christmas presents online. i was super organised last year. i hope i can do the same this year. might be too early to start now though. i just got my g/daughter's birthday presents for march. :)


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