Monday, 25 November 2013


i've always been scared stiff of mice, rats, snakes and sharks.  it's fairly easy to avoid the snakes and sharks but unfortunately the former two have been plaguing me of late.  it started when i noticed poop on the back veranda.  could it be rats?  yes it could.  we have had a very wet winter in adelaide and as i live next door to a cemetery and a park my theory is that the vermin got flooded out and moved into my slightly dryer shed.  there's lots of poop in there too.  today, between loads of washing, i leaned on the couch and looked out the window into the back garden just thinking about nothing in particular.  it's a little courtyard garden with a pond and lots of pot plants.  then i saw it.  out of the corner of my eye.  was it my imagination?  no it wasn't.  a mouse (i hope it's not a baby rat) ran out of the shed and into the back garden and it was horrible.  it's out there now.  running around the pots.  very sneakily and quick.  omg.  what to do???  i can ask my dil to put more baits in the shed i suppose.  i wanted to go in there and get the lawnmower out today but now i don't think so.  i was out there last night to water.  did i mention that a month or so ago there was a large dead rat out there?  luckily my dil removed it for me.  she's from the country thank goodness and not a fraidy cat like me. telling me that they are more afraid of me than i am of them isn't helpful.  i know this to be true but it doesn't help.  in my defense, i am not afraid of spiders.  there are red backs in the front garden. 


  1. That's a nasty looking spider. Is it poisonous?

    1. yes, but i don't think you'd die from a bite. they have anti venom these days. would be nasty though

  2. Eeek I'm more afraid of spiders. Put down packets of rat sack and they will go away to die if your lucky if not the smell is awful.

    1. i have put down baits but it might be time for a change of attack. let's hope they go away to die. the dead one out the back was horrible. spiders aren't nice but i don't have much of a phobia for them. unless they are really big. eeek is right

  3. Oh dear me, you poor things with your rats or and mice. If cornered those rats might attack, it happened once when we first were married living on a farm.
    The spider, we have those, the red back.


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