Wednesday, 17 June 2015

RIP Frank

one of son's cats passed yesterday.  he was 15 years old and a gentleman in every way.  he was the oldest of 5 cats in the family.  three of them are airport specials which means they were rescued from the airport where feral cats abound. i don't know where they got Frankie from.  i'll have to ask my son and one is a siamese beauty.  i still think about my darling siamese boy Vincent who is buried in the garden, every day and i miss him terribly.  some people aren't cat people.  that's ok.  my family certainly are.
RIP Frankie


  1. So sorry to read about the loss of the cat. Family are our animals.
    Used to have cats once, then dogs, now nothing due to no being always my husband gets too upset when they leave for heaven...
    Hope you are well..
    Margaret xoxox

    1. hi Margaret, thank you. yes, not too bad here. i hope you are well too. xxx

  2. It is sad when a pet of many years passes away.


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