Monday, 1 February 2016

chinese herbal medicine

lan, meredith and i went to the market for lunch on saturday and had a lovely day.  lan takes a chinese supplement regularly so whilst we were at the herbalist i decided to ask about my sleeping, or lack of.  i got some tablets and although i've only taken them for two nights i have noticed a small difference.  i went back to gym today and it was hard.  i haven't been for ages and i thought it was time.  i also have a meeting tonight for the family history group.


  1. Never tried alternative medicine, but then never needed too.
    I have never been to a gym, dreadful really :)
    Keep at it, I'm sure it will get better..

  2. hi Margaret. very wise not to go to the gym. it's painful. :) i hope you are well. we are having tropical weather atm. it's very humid and rain heavily all night. you wouldn't think it's february

  3. I have just joined a family history group but you would have head start being a librarian. Hope the sleeping medicine works.

    1. you'd think so Diane but i've hit a dead end with my grandfather. so little information. i found his army records so that was good. i am having trouble finding out which ship he arrived on and when. so frustrating but i must admit it's fun. :) good luck with yours


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