Wednesday, 11 May 2016

i went back to the gym

after way too long.  i hope to make it a much more regular thing.  i seem to remember blogging about more me time some time ago and i've slipped back into the old and bad habits.  i will try to do better.


  1. Would be lovely to see and read more posts from you F. I remember way back when you did do more posts :)

    1. thank you Margaret. i'll give it my best. hope you are well and keeping warm down there in tassie. it's getting cooler here. i actually wore an overcoat yesterday :) xxx

  2. Good for you. It will make you feel good. I was disappointed when my gym closed down.

  3. yes Diane that is the plan but after today i'm not sure. i went on the cross trainer and my legs were like jelly and i nearly fainted. take is easier next time i think. other than that all good. pity about your gym but at least you have lovely places to walk regularly. you are pretty fit i reckon. :) take care

  4. mid month and week start keeps longer then start at the beginning of the week or month. Have a good gym time )


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