Tuesday, 12 July 2016

it's windy

i am unwell and was in bed when i heard the loudest noise.  it sounded like four thunder claps right on top of me.  even the earthquake wasn't that loud, that was more like a loud rumble.  i looked out of all the windows upstairs and didn't see anything amiss so got dressed and went outside.  there were broken tiles on the front lawn and broken tiles on the side path.  i looked up and saw tiles missing where  the roof meets.  then i went out to the car park and saw the damage.  all along the top of the roof the capping is missing or loose.  there are loose tiles all over the veranda too.  i can't get through to the ses so i'm just going to keep trying.  more strong winds, hail, snow and rain is expected.  oh dear, they would be flat out today with many worse than my small emergency.  at least i have electricity, many don't.

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