Thursday, 16 February 2017

i am in a mess

i don't do much housework when it's very hot.  i took friends to the airport yesterday morning (the traffic was dreadful) and had to empty out the car to fit the luggage in.  to be fair, i do have the stroller and baby seat in there, and it's not a huge car.  so the hundreds of shopping bags, a huge bag of donations for the op shop, all of the grandson's stuff, half of my wardrobe, a few pair of shoes???, a fold up chair i bought and have never used and just general junk is in the laundry waiting to be sorted and disposed of.  i'm doing some washing which is long overdue as i haven't washed for over a week, probably two.  the only trouble is my motivation is lacking atm so it's a struggle.  at least i got some sleep last night because i wore earplugs.  nice soft ones.  they are necessary because a neighbour has acquired a rooster which wakes me up most mornings way too early.

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