Wednesday, 12 July 2017

another move

i haven't blogged in forever and my excuse is that my daughter has moved house and i've been very busy but in reality i'm just lazy.  she has moved to the other side of adelaide so that instead of being near gawler in the north she is now near the marion shopping centre in the south.  it is slightly closer to me but takes much longer to get there as before i had a three lane road with an 80km speed limit and now i'm forced to take south road which is two lanes and a 60km limit applies.  there are numerous ways to get to the new house but they all seem to take the same time.  i try never to go in peak hours as it's horrendous.  anyway, she's all but moved in.  she has gone from a 4 bedroom large house to a smaller 3 bedroom house to an even smaller 3 bedroom unit.  it is my wish that she'll move closer to me before i die but who knows?  the travelling wears me out quite frankly and i've been babysitting a lot lately too which is lovely but also tiring.  it's been a difficult time for all involved but i'm sure it will even out soon.


  1. Moving is a stressful time for everyone involved. At least your daughter is in the same city, not like my two in two different cities but at least they are in the same country for now.

    1. yes, that's true Diane. at least they are closer than your daughters and families. i shouldn't complain, but i do :)

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