Thursday, 28 March 2019

a very bad day

it all started with another letter from my credit union about an external transfer i made in december which didn't go through.  one email, three letters, three phone calls, two branch visits and they've refused to give me back my money.  they sent me a stat. dec. which i filled in and sent off today.  i also rang the banking ombudsman who advised me to start a formal complaint.  i mean really.  well, i went down to the civic centre to get a jp to witness my stat. dec. but they are building a new library down there and have moved the customer services dept. up here to the library.  so i came back to the library.  then i posted off the stat. dec. at the shopping centre where i lost my glasses.  i backtracked and at the last place there they were.  so thank goodness that ended well.  then i took a long lost lotto ticket into the branch to check it.  no, too late for that.  i was told to ring the head office which i tried to do but couldn't get through.  i'd probably checked it and not thrown it away.  there is a procedure to go through which has a fee attached if it's a winning ticket.  let's hope not.  i tried to log into their website but couldn't.  i also had a hard time trying to delete one of my devices and put norton anti virus on the ipad.  that took forever. oh well.  i just had a nice dinner and bought myself a mango as a treat.  the season is nearly over and i vowed next year to buy one more often.  my favourite fruit. 


  1. Goodness, not a great day for you. Tomorrow has to be better.
    Hope you get your money back...
    Hope you are well xx

    1. me too. in the words of ms o'hara, tomorrow is another day :) hope you are well too

  2. Those sort of days are draining. Hope things have improved. The bank business id nasty. Change banks when it is over. I love mangos too.

    1. still haven't heard from the bank after i sent the stat. dec. back. time to lodge a complaint i think and sadly mangoes are starting to be out of season here.


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