Wednesday, 10 April 2019


i bought some sard foam/liquid pre wash recently.  i thought i'd try it on the stain left when i spilt my turmeric chicken last night.  however, the stain was shocking.  i washed it twice and it faded a bit so thought i'd try this new sard whiz bang stuff.  that's when the trouble started.  i couldn't get the fancy nozzle open.  i had to actually read the instructions and what do you know?  it was easy. i had a bit of a rant about the fancy nozzle costing much more than just the old fashioned spray bottle of old.  the stain has faded a bit more though.  i suppose i'll just keep washing it.  oh well.  on a positive note the bank finally gave me back MY money that i transferred to a friend in early december.  it didn't turn up in her account and i had to jump through hoops to get it back.  four months.  unbelievable. 


  1. Pleased you got your money back, that is disgraceful waiting 4 months. A bank lost $10,000 of mine once, took some finding as it was their mistake - was back in my bank in no time...guess I was lucky.
    Stains are hard to remove. I often use sard soap and a brush, that seems to work better for me when stains are really stubborn.

    1. it's dreadful what banks can get away with. that's not a small amount either. i can still see the stain. i'll wash it some more. it's faded and i suppose i can live with it. the top isn't a really good one. :)

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