Saturday, 24 November 2012

that's weird

i get comments via my email now coz in the past i didn't know i'd received a comment unless i went to that blog and i missed them.  i have now turned on the thingy so that it lets me know if someone comments. very convenient.  however, this arvo i received an email telling me i had a comment on my crush blog, but, when i looked on the blog there was no comment there.  it was obviously spam with a link that i didn't click on of course.  weird that it didn't show on the blog.  i've googled it but can't find an answer.


  1. Look in your spam file.Find it on your dashboard under comments. I have always received emails of the comments but not every comment comes by email. I'm not sure why. something to do with if you have allowed email or maybe if you have a google account.

  2. thanks Diane, i'm looking into it. :)

  3. true...!
    this is a nice facility...!

  4. I'm getting much more spam lately than I did before opening the new site. Oh, well.... I don't know how to block it.

    1. comment moderation is probably the only way that i know.

    2. I think you are right with that one Yevisha..

  5. I don't have my blog set to send my comments to my email. Did do it once then stopped it but can't remember why..:)
    Hope you doing ok...

    1. hello, all is well here. i hope you are the same. :) xx

    2. Yes, all is ok here thanks..xoxox


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