Sunday, 29 June 2008

i killed my stereo

OMG. this is serious. i had a whole pile of discs up against it for a week and now it's dead. i've had it for ages. it was a good one. the irony is that i've been wanting another one but couldn't justify buying one when this one was perfectly good. it was a sanyo 10 stacker. great sound. OMG. and to think it was my fault for being so slack. i've got enough discs to sink the titanic again. sooooo many. and i keep getting more.

i've been saving videos from youtube and converting them to dvd. hahahahahaha more discs.

i'm out of milk so have to wait for a coffee. it's shyte weather here. cold and wet. i'm glad i brought the washing in yesterday. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh have a nice sunday.
pic is of nusa dua in bali. very posh area with the big hotels. we go there to swim.

1 comment:

  1. Well you`ve certainly got good reason to get out there woman and buy yourself a new one
    That`s where i`m lucky...The kids all have ipods so it all goes on there and they leave my stereo alone....

    I have had washing on the line all weekend...It just won`t dry...TOWELS!!!!!...Thanks to the kids...

    You have a good week now and enjoy that stereo shopping....


thanks for visiting. :)