Monday, 2 June 2008

the weekend is over

first pic is of the handbag i bought on the w/end. it's green and black and the decoration is little spirals of seed beads. cool. the second pic is the kids climbing onto one of the sculptures in the park.
what gorgeous weather on the weekend. it was lovely. i had friends over for dinner on saturday and my gluten free pasta with chicken and tomatoes was fabulous. they raved about it. good considering i didn't use a recipe. just chucked it all in. very nice. di brought fruit salad and we enjoyed our evening. i saw the kids on saturday arvo. we went to a new shopping centre and there was a clown with balloons. cookie got a butterfly and i really don't know what ant's was supposed to be. looked like a blue poodle to me. nice park nearby for lunch. all good. did some washing and the usual pottering around. now it's back to work and the week looks like it will be a busy one. what's new. i've decided to have the op on my shoulder so must build up some muscle before that happens. i'm seeing the physio again on thursday. have a good one everyone. be nice to yourselves. :)


  1. Hi Fran...
    My daughter would love that bag...Anything green....We are so opposite when it comes to the colour
    Sometimes the best meals are the ones where you throw a bit of this and a bit of that together....Then you try to recreate it and you`re buggered cos you can`t remember....

    Was lovely on the weekend....Mornings and nights are so cold though....

    Hope the op isn`t too serious????

    Take care and have a good week....Seems to be flying as we are already half way through....

  2. green was my mother's fave colour. everything was green. it's only in my later years i've liked green. only in small doses. op is for shoulder shouldn't be too bad. :)

  3. Good evening Yevisha...
    perhaps your mum could go as the colourful girl you put up on your
    As 4 pea soup it's not my cup of tea unless it's a part of the pie floater that used to be served out front of the Adelaide train station in a van that used to be their...


thanks for visiting. :)