Monday, 28 May 2018


i absolutely hate passwords.  i used to use the same one for everything, it was easy and simple.  everyone said not to do this and i can understand why of course but it's a pain to use a different one for everything and let's face it, every site you go to now requires the dreaded password.  i especially hate the ones where you have to include a capital letter and symbols.  ahhhh  i got myself a little book and i enter all the passwords in it but have scribbled in it so much when the password has been changed that it looks a mess.  a woman i follow on blogger once suggested to use the site name and then the same password after it or something like that.  i might try it.  it would save me forgetting what i changed it to last time i forgot and my little book lets me down.  i have a password reminder on windows and one on chrome which helps with most of them but there is always an exception. 

1 comment:

  1. They are a pain those passwords for sure. Had a friend here at home today and she wanted to log into something but had forgotten her password...
    Hope you are well..xx


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