Thursday, 14 June 2012

a few photos

isn't this the best photo?  

i found some photos on my old phone recently.  this was taken at the butterfly park in bali  about two years ago
i love gadgets and this ugly little thing is possibly one of the best ever.  it opens pull top cans quickly and easily.  i always have trouble with them.  not anymore


  1. I've never seen this pull-top gadget. I'm off to the store.

    1. let me know if you have trouble finding it Stephen and i'll send you one. i got it from the supermarket.

  2. That gadget looks a great invention, wouldn't mind one of those even though I am not a total gadget person.
    Amazing what we find when looking through our photos :) love that one.
    The elephant, Photoshopped?

    1. hi M, gadget is very handy and easy to use. old photos are always good to come across unexpededly. this is a good one. the butterfly park was really nice. huge specimens. yes, i think the elephant might be photoshopped too. but, it's still a nice photo. makes me smile :)

  3. Love the elephant and I have a gadget to help open pull top lids also and I love mine so much I gave one to my dad

    1. They are great Jo-ANNE. IT took me ages to find


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