Saturday, 13 January 2018

a bit more pain and hospital

my back pain has moved to my hip but is getting better slowly.  it's a pain.  lol.  my dil had her thyroid removed the other day and she was doing fairly well but was taken back to hospital today with chest pain.  it's her meds which are difficult to regulate.  something to do with her heart and calcium.  she had an underactive thyroid and her sister an overactive one.  or visa versa.  i'm not sure.  my cousin had the same operation a month ago and is slowly recovering. 


  1. Pain is terrible, my body is often in pain a lot of pain but not as much as my mum is in 24/7

  2. Sorry to hear about your back pain. I had it for 9 months but eventually it eased with loads of physiotherapy and exercises. Never completely goes but is bearable now. Its called old age and osteoarthritis. Hope you will be able to manage it.

    1. hi Diane. i think exercise is the key here. just gentle stretching seems to help. old age is a b**** :) hope you are well

  3. Oh my that's not good re your back pain, let's hope it improves for you.
    Your Dil, hope is is much improved by now.

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