Saturday 6 April 2019

i'm a quilter and starting small

well, i've sewn my first row together so i'm almost there. lol.  and the cutting out was challenging to say the least.  nowadays they use a mat and a rotary cutter.  i did quite well.  i joined a quilting 'circle' today.  there were so many women there that it surprised me.  they were all so helpful and nice.  our 'teacher' was so kind.  she helped me layout my squares and i made a mistake somehow and she was so nice fixing it up with me.  so i'm going to carry on at home making my rows.  the lady next to me had the same sewing machine as me, i bought it many years ago.  i took my own coffee and mug and promptly broke the mug, which is glass, getting into the car.  i've cleaned that up now.  and the other bad part of the day is that my machine is heavy and i've hurt my back badly lugging it downstairs and out to the car etc.  i'll rest it so hope it gets better.  i'm sure it will.  it's quite exciting. 
this is not my quilt.  


  1. Good for you taking on a new challenge. Its crossed my mind a few times but realised it was a bit too difficult for me. Good luck with it and I hope your back isn't hurt.

    1. hi Diane, precision is important with quilting apparently. back is a bit better after a nana nap this arvo :)

  2. Have fun and I'm sure you will totally enjoy.
    Tried it once, made a few things but the art never held my attention.

    1. hi M. yes, i hope i keep at it. i'm enjoying it so far. :)

  3. I'm hopeless at quilting. I can cut the squares exactly right and sew a row of them together, but when I try to sew the rows together the seams and corners of the squares never come out right. I haven't even tried a quilt since 1980.

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