started friday night with a night time bug run. it wasn't a long run but we ended it with a nice dinner and i met some nice new people. saturday i procrastinated around the house. i had a stuck drawer on wednesday in the dining room and after i emptied the cupboard (it contained lots of heavy dishes, appliances etc that i hardly use) i had an epiphany yes i did. i took out the other drawer and was able to reach through and release the tray that was preventing the drawer from opening. brilliant. however, i'd emptied it and moved the cupboard into the centre of the room so, of course, i had to clean behind it and put everything back. took ages and i'm still not finished properly. in the middle of all this i broke a beautiful wooden goddess statue when i moved the cupboard. bummer. i glued it back together but, you know, it's broken now and i know it. :( so i did a little bit of gardening and tried to clean the upstairs windows without much success. my bedroom one is really grotty. today, sunday, i went up to take the g/kids to lunch and we, naturally, did a little bit of shopping. tonight i went around to see a friend whom i haven't seen for yonks and had a little visit with her. i'm watching a movie but may go up to bed soon. it's quite hot up there so i've opened all the (dirty) windows to air it out. it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow and for the next few days. i hope you enjoyed your w/end.
Bug run sounds fun!!!!
ReplyDeleteand much more fun than cleaning!!! Good on you.. one of these day's I might give cleaning a try ;-)
You made me laugh with your bug first I thought you had a Bug! :)
ReplyDeleteOh goodness, not a good feeling when you break something you really like, never mind.
Window cleaning, have to do that myself...trouble is my father will want me to do his and I won't, too big a house, he will have to pay someone as he did last year.
Hope your movie was a good one...not that much on TV lately down here.
Take care xoxox
Silly me; when you said "bug run" I thought you meant real bugs. I guess there's a lot of VW Beetles where you live.