Monday, 28 January 2008

superglue and me

i've had a little accident with the aforementioned superglue. the lid glued on and i couldn't get it off. i used pliers. didn't work. so i thought to myself. i'll pierce the tube with a toothpick and some will gently flow out and i can use that to reglue the stone in my nose ring (not a ring a stud but it doesn't sound the same) ((my podiatrist calls it a nosepeg just like camels have )). you know what i'm going to say next don't you. it didn't gently flow out of the tube is gushed all over the bloody place. it's even on my computer table. it was especially on my fingers. the two fingers i used to pick up the nose ring. it stuck big time. i couldn't pull them apart. SHYTE i thought to myself. luckily the nail polish remover was on the table coz i took it to wallaroo to give myself a pedicure. it sort of removes the superglue. it's only 80 percent. it separated my fingers and i was able to reglue the stone. all good except that i have residue on my finger. it's under my nail too. feels icky. i guess it will wear off in a few weeks as it's not the first time this has happened. it could have been worse. i'll leave that to your imagination. so everything is almost back to normal. almost. :)

the pic is from my friend who went to bali recently. it's taken at the bali zoo believe it or not. so cute.


  1. LOL...I hate using super glue as i`m much like you, get it everywhere bar where it should be....

    Had a lovely day out spent with Matt`s mum and then visited one of his daughters...

    I`m glad the kids are back at school tomorrow, it`ll give me a chance to catch up with house work...

    Have a great week...

  2. Superglued your fingers did you can rob a bank and not leave fingerprints..ha ha..That cub looks cute as long as he/she keeps purring where it is positioned...Kind regards, Elizabeth

  3. haha!

  4. Super glue is as much of a hazard as it is a blessing. My mum use to use Tarzan Grip to repair her

  5. Glued old plates recently .. my fingers stuck to the table .. no nailpolish remover handy for me! I think my finger (prints) are still stuck to the table.
    Have a wonderful journey ..

  6. That advice from Barry Nong is fine, but as I was stuck to table, I couldn't reach anything..ouch!! Reminds me of the time my plaits went through the wringer .. now that hurt. Lucky my head was to 'big' to go through as well and the wringer flung open.

  7. omg, minerva. how painful. yes, i know what you mean about the fingerprints. ouch. i remember the old wringer of mum's. nasty and scary things. thank you mr nong. the site was very useful. jo-anne, my mum did that with her teeth too. must have been a well known thing. we used tarzan's grip for lots of things. i wonder if they still make it. mandy, welcome back. i'll be thinking of you all when i'm in bali next week. really :0 take care guys. :)

  8. hey lynn,
    your supposed to wash your plates in the dishwasher silly...not the washing machine!


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