Friday, 4 November 2011

we went to the playground

Ants in the swinging hammock.  i'd like one of these in the backyard. 

daughter and cookie in the seesaw.  huge

Ants in the cubby house

gorgeous Cookie on the twisty thing

Ants and Cookie on top of the world

Ants and my shadow  :)

Lovely day here yesterday.  Michael (son) hennaed (?) my hair which was long overdue.  he also sorted out my tv connections as i've moved the lounge room around.  i bought Dustin a new bowl which i hope will be big enough after i destroyed his tank the other day.  i went to see the kids and we went to the new fangled playground at the wetlands.  how modern is this area?  nothing like the playground next door in the park which is quite ordinary in comparison.  they had a lovely play in the eucalypt scented fresh air.  it was a very nice day.  i took the tablet to show them and they played a few games.  back to work today then i'm off for the weekend.  yay


  1. Looks more like a Sculpture park than a playground - brilliant! Everyone looks like they had a good time.

  2. Sounds like a fun day indeed...

    Arnab Majumdar


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