Sunday, 18 January 2015

a nun's story

well five nuns and five stories actually.  yesterday afternoon i accompanied my cousin to a distance cousin's celebration mass to mark the fiftieth anniversary of her joining the sisters of mercy order.  i have met her before and i remember hearing about her as a child but i don't really remember meeting her.  i couldn't see a thing in the church which was chockers.  my cousin and i had to sit separately.  no problem.  there was a supper in the hall behind the church afterwards.  my cousin does all of our family history on my dad's side.  our fathers were brothers and are both deceased now.  we didn't get home until nearly 10.  my cousin enjoyed herself as she was able to catch up with some relies and have a chat which she loves.  she took along a bunch of family photos for the family.  my distant (maybe second, i'm not sure) cousin and her fellow sisters told their stories from when they joined until the present.  some came from interstate for the mass.  they all had university degrees and had travelled extensively.  it was an enjoyable evening hearing about their experiences and their working lives.


  1. It's always good to catch up with friends and family at such gatherings.
    We do it a few times a years with my cousins in another city.
    That's a long time to be a nun, but then I expect that is what she wanted to be. Congratulations to her, well done.

  2. Nothing like a good catch up with friends and relies.


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