Tuesday 13 May 2008

a private lesson

no-one but me turned up for class tonight so i had a private lesson. how nice. :) i got through lots. well done me.

i feel like i'm coming down with a buggy thing but i'm sure a sleep will fix it. i'm working late tomorrow.

i gained .3 of a kilo so must get my shyte together and focus.

a certain person at work has been on leave for the past week and is coming back on monday. it's been lovely. a holiday for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. .3 of a kilo is nothing to worry about.....
    i actually need to go and buy some new clothes now...2 1/2 stone i`ve lost since xmas....i`m finally in a size 12 again...Yippee for me...lol....

    Private lesson hey...Is it a he????....

    Hope the buggy thing doesn`t get hold of you...There is so much going around at the moment...


thanks for visiting. :)